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Ultimate Member Profile Completeness Addon

Ultimate Member Ultimate Member Profile Completeness Addon 2.3.2

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With the profile completeness extension you can encourage or force users to complete their profiles. This is one of the best ways to ensure people engage on your site and ensures you do not have a site full of empty user profiles.

Key Features

Display profile fields a user has yet to complete and progress bar via sidebar widgets
Users can complete profile fields via pop-up anywhere on site or can go to profile to complete the fields
Force users to complete their profile by redirecting them to their edit profile page until they have completed their profile
Only show users in member directory who have completed their profile (you can set what % limit is applied)
Decide which fields are to be included for profile completion
Set what % each field contributes to completion (e.g gender is worth 5%, country is worth 10%)
Widgets disappear once a user completes their profile
BrilliantBrilliant is verified member.
First release
Last update


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