YITH WooCommerce Cost of Goods is a WordPress plugin designed for WooCommerce, allowing users to track and manage the cost of goods sold (COGS), improving profit margin calculation and financial reporting.
1. Track and Record Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for Each Product
2. Automatic Calculation of Profit Margin and Revenue
3. Support for Variable Products and Product Variations
4. Integration with WooCommerce and WordPress
5. Option to Import/Export COGS Data via CSV Files
6. Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce plugins
7. Detailed Reporting and Analytics for COGS and Profit Margin
Suitable for
1. E-commerce websites using WooCommerce
2. Online stores seeking to improve financial reporting and profit margin calculation
3. Retailers wanting to track and manage COGS for better inventory management
4. Businesses aiming to enhance financial insights and decision-making
5. Any WooCommerce-based website requiring COGS tracking and management functionality.