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  1. Admin

    XF2 Style Fantastic Pro v2.2.13

    Xenforo Fantastic Pro Themes Free Download Attract members with an elegant design, present your community and destinations in great detail, and have members enjoy the time. Fantastic Pro is a professional theme that is a great choice for XenForo users. This theme includes both dark and light...
  2. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [RemiDev] Member staff in conversations 1.0.1

    This add-on makes a small notice if there is a member of the staff in the conversation or not
  3. Admin

    xF2 Add-on Self Account Deletion 1.0.0

    This add-on gives your members the ability to delete their own accounts. You have the option of setting a 'cool down period', during which time access to the board is restricted to a notice that their account is scheduled for deletion - they can cancel deletion before the cool down period ends...
  4. Admin

    xF2 Add-on [xFT] Message Above Editor 2.0.0

    A message above the editor is a notification or prompt displayed to users before they start editing or creating content. This message can serve various purposes: Types of Messages 1. *Guidelines and Rules*: Outline community guidelines, rules, or best practices for creating content. 2. *Tips...